Home Insurance Claim Adjuster Secret Tactics As a house-owner , you depend on your home insurance policy to get fund in case of unforeseen damage to your property. However every house-owner must be aware about the home insurance claim adjusters secret tactics. These tactics goes unnoticed due to our lack of knowledge on this topic and desperation. Dealing with an home insurance claiming company can be pretty frustrating and challenging process. Adjusters make use of various unfair tactics to minimize our claim , leaving you feel helpless and undervalued. In this guide, we will delve into detailed explanation of tactics used by adjusters. Before exploring the home insurance claim adjuster secret tactics, let's have a look into some of the common house insurance claims : Fire & Lighting Storm Damage Theft Water Damage & Flood Coverage Personal Injury TACTICS EMPLOYED BY HOME INSURANCE CLAIM ADJUSTERS 1. Undervaluation : Underestimating the actual value of your claim Un...
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